Flooring for Your Garage
The garage can be dressed up in different manners. People usually improve the look of their garage for two reasons. The first thing is because it would increase its value if it is more appealing. Secondly, it would be easier to organize and clean. There are people who depend on garage floor paint and others like using garage floor covering. There are also those who will not risk damaging the concrete by combining the two.
Those who plan to use garage floor paint can choose from epoxy, polyurethane and latex. Epoxy bonds well but it would yellow easily when it is exposed to the sun. Those who want to use latex need to consider adding textures to the surface because it could be slippery especially when it is wet.
Polyurethane is the best type of garage floor paint if it an open garage because being exposed to the sun will not lead to its deterioration. Those who use latex and do not wish to have irregular grooves on their garage floor by means of a broom can resort to garage floor mats that would provide grip.
Mats are also ideal garage covering because if it is already worn out, it would be as easy as replacing them with new ones. It would also serve as protection from grease and other stains that would lead to the decrease of the value of the property.
There are also garage floor tiles that are more convenient because the installation process is very simple. Garage floor paint can take some time to be applied. On top of that, it also needs a long drying time so homeowners will not be able to use the garage sooner.
In the case of tiling, the first half can be done so there still would be some space for activities that cannot be postponed for another day. It is also important to evaluate what the garage is to be used for. For instance, there are families that also use it for different activities.
Aside from being used as a tool shed, other people use it as an office and a workshop. Others let the garage be their children’s hang-out place. The floor covering of the garage should be according to those needs.
Using garage floor covering would also be more adventurous than just having paint. It would allow more bold designs such as having checkered patterns. It really depends on what the garage would be used for and the personality of the homeowners. The other half of the garage which serves as an office can also have carpet tiles. There are also protective layers that are specifically intended for the tires of a used-vehicle. Those would be armed against hot tire tracks.